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One week ago, I offered Tim Finchem some (very) unsolicited advice on making the PGA Tour less sleep-inducing, a primary component of which was the selection of more interesting venues for their events.  To be sure, the Tour has made tangible strides in this area; indeed, if one is able to look past a handful of truly mediocre TPC courses that continue to dot the schedule (hint: no site fees), the roster of courses visited by the Tour is today a moderately interesting one.


Not counting the season-ending Fall Series (the start of which, I am certain, falls after most discerning viewers have turned off their TVs anyway) a good dozen events are still contested over the sort of layouts which, to put it nicely, go a long way towards boosting the LPGA’s broadcast ratings - or CNN's, or professional wrestling's. 

Of course, switching venues is not generally a simple matter, for the logistical demands of a modern PGA Tour event are considerable (corporate tent space, enough on-site parking to bribe/satisfy the media, enough nearby parking for the public, etc.).  Further, not every club welcomes the invasion of the Tour which, beyond the one central week of activity, generally entails roughly a month’s worth of setup and general inconvenience.  Hosting a PGA Tour event, then, is certainly not for everyone.

Therefore, the following suggestions – though formulated with a number of these logistical questions in mind – are made in a vacuum.  That is, these are venues that would represent significant improvement in a number of relevant ways; whether or not all components necessary to make them a reality are present, however, is another story.

So, in chronological order:

Bob Hope Chrysler Classic – Now that the tournament committee, in their infinite wisdom, killed their one chance at a resurgence by terminating George Lopez, their only hope is to ditch all four of their sleep-inducing venues and take advantage of some of the desert’s more interesting, TV-friendly facilities.  Replace the newest addition to the rota, Silver Rock...  (Continue)

Posted on Tuesday, May 27, 2008 at 11:06AM by Registered CommenterDaniel | Comments1 Comment

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基本的には、シャフト 自然のもの(木、草、岩)などはショットの障害となっても動かしたり壊したりしてはならず「あるがまま」に打たなければならない。対して、callaway アイアン 人工のものは障害物を避けるために救済が受けられる。「動かせない障害物」と「動かせる障害物」に分かれる。「動かせない障害物」はルールに従って救済が受けられ、規定に則ってボールを動かすことができる。「動かせる障害物」は障害物を動かしたり取り除いてもよい。キャロウェイ アイアン 枯葉等の些細な障害物は「ルースインペディメント」と呼び、ハザード以外では取り除いてもよい。

April 11, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterシャフト

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